A rattlesnake is a kind of a snake. It is a very poisonous snake. A rattlesnake has a forked tongue. Not only it has a forked tongue. Every snake has a forked tongue. It hisses to give a warning that it is near you. But it lives in a desert so it is impossible to find a rattlesnake.
A fox is a wild animal. It can be clever. A fox lives in a den. A fox is a scavenger. That means it eats the meat of dead animals. It can also eat animals that are very small. eg hen, rabbit, etc.
A camel is a desert animal. It can live without food and water for many days. A camel has a hump on it's back. It stores water from it. A camel can also be used for riding. It is not for just riding it it can also be used to carry loads.
A vulture is a bird that is also a scavenger like a fox. A vulture is not an animal but only a bird. A vulture can also be called a black vulture. A baby of a vulture is called a chick. A group of vultures is called a committee.