Planes are one of the most well known air vehicles. And it is an air vehicle. Planes are commonly found in airports. Planes are faster than land vehicles. And cost more to ride than taxis or buses. If planes can fly, then it will be a great way to travel on water. Except that planes cost more to ride than ships or boats. So don't waste money on planes unless a place you want to go is very far away. But don't waste money on planes if even a car can go to the place you want to go. Planes maybe a air vehicle but they still have tiny wheels. IDK how a tiny wheel is lifting an entire plane but it maybe very strong. Planes have so much fuel on them. That means you can travel for hours without the plane lose all it's fuel. But it is still possible for a plane to lose fuel through. Traveling too much I guess. Hope you enjoyed. And part 4 of the stickman story is coming very soon so be patient.