The ultimate Q&A

  Hello everybody! In my blog, I told you many things. But now, I will see how much you remember. Rules are simple: No looking at my blog for answers, no googling or using other search engines, and no asking other people. If this is your first time, read all of my blogs because some questions are related to my old blogs.  There will also be random questions that are very hard for kids. And some can be not so hard. There will also be a boss question that is not in my blog. SO GOOD LUCK. Also, write your points in the comments. Let's get started!

  1. What is the world's largest monster truck?
  2. What is the world's 
  3. What is the most popular ancient shark?
  4. What is the saying of an apple?
  5. What is my favourite toy?
  6. What is my favourite food?
  7. What is the name of my school?
  8. What is the full form of CPU?
  9. What is the full form of JK?
  10. Who is SpongebobSquarepants?
  11. Who are the employees of the Krusty Krab? 
  12. Where was LittleRedRidingHood going?
  13. How did the pied piper get revenge on the mayor?
  14. How did the fisherman escape from the devil?
  15. Who is Oggy?

Random question

  1. Who invented the lightbulb?
  2. Which is rarer, Coal or a four-leaf clover?
  3. Who painted the "Mona Lisa" painting?


  1. Who is my favourite superhero and supervillain?

Last question.

  1. What are the advantages of being healthy?