Dude Theft Wars is created by Poxel Studios. This company owns the game. In this game, you are a dude. You can do anything that you could not do in real life. For example, buying a gun, killing other dudes, missions, letting a person out of prison, etc. You can also have tanks and cyber trucks in the game. There are airplanes and helicopters too. There are hidden places like the military base and Area 51. There are hidden cars too. There are 2 gun shops in that game. The first one sells basic guns, but the other one sells expensive and crazy guns. It is almost impossible to afford them. The is a science lab. And a button inside it. Don't press it or you will get a zombie apocalypse. The only way to get rid of that apocalypse is by killing all the zombies. You have a phone in that game. You can take a photo, get free money, buy a car, see the map, and write cheat codes. I know them. They are dudekong, tinydudes, giantdudes, nosforever, dudebolt, antdude and heytaxi. That's all going to be for PART 1. PART 2 is coming soon boy.