Lockdown is one of the most boring parts of the corona. I mean, we can't even go outside JUST because of a stupid red disgusting ball thingy that is the size of a louse. Anyway, let's talk about what I have done in the lockdown. First, at the end of the school year, lockdown had taken its place. I was both happy and sad at the same time. Now as there was corona, I shouldn't go to school because it is dangerous. So I stayed at home doing nothing. As time passed, one day my father heard about this app called "Blogger.com" and he said that I should write things on it. Mainly the things I wrote on that yellow book of course I still have it, I can show it on social media, anyways, I wrote a blog as he would say so. That continued until one day, we figured a way to study safely, and you guessed it, "ONLINE CLASSES" I thought it would look like a messenger call but I was so wrong, it was SO MUCH COOLER. Like, we can chat privately, the host can control everything, etc. My teacher was teaching about how zoom works and things but I didn't understand. I was a little nervous but anyway, I was still a beginner and I had to discover what it does, and that is exactly what I did. I very slowly learned by just randomly clicking every button pressable because it won't destroy the universe or give me a lightsaber or something. And that is the ultimate way I learned. Now I'm an expert at zoom. And that is basically what I did on my holiday.