First, communism, and now capitalism.
So what is capitalism exactly? Capitalism actually goes back to the 16th century. And there was capitalism. So at that time, there were rich people, who owned slaves. The slaves would spend hours upon hours working but get the littlest they could. And the work done by the slaves went to the rich people. So capitalism is bad. And you are right my friend! The cause of capitalism is terrible. The slaves used to live a hard life while the rich landowners did nothing and still got very large amounts of cash. And capitalism still exists today. In some countries. Probably. Not sure. Also, Adam Smith is known as the father of capitalism. And you might think that Karl Max and Adam Smith would have a bad relationship right? Well, you're wrong. Karl Max actually liked Adam Smith's idea and I think he wrote a book about capitalism as well (I think)
In early Russia, when this guy called Stalin was in charge, capitalism was boomin. At that time it was the Russian R-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N!!!! And everyone knows bad things happen when it is R-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N-!!!! And at that time (×2) Lennin told that workers should only work 8 hours a day instead of 12-13 hours. But because Russia was poor and was in need of help at that time (×3) there were not enough resources for Russia so Stalin was like "No" And he did something that was worse than capitalism. I call this "Horriblism" And indeed, Stalin's version of capitalism was worse.
So now how is it like being a slave? First of all, without Lennin, you would have to work 12-13 hours a day leading you to hurt your back. A lot. And you would also have to spend most of your life working and getting absolutely barely anything in return. So be thankful that you are born in the 21st century. If you were unlucky enough to be born in the 16th century as a slave, you would NOT have a good time.