Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash
Artificial Intelligence or AI for short has become a significant part of our lives today. Besides, how do you think you're reading this? It's with the help of an electronic device with works on AI too. But will we have made AI too strong?
Even now, AI has posed a threat. Before alarm clocks were invented, there were people who used sticks to knock on houses so that people would wake up. But now, alarm clocks exist. In the future, taxi drivers may lose their jobs too because of self-driving cars,
Even Elon Musk stated that the world would be gone in the near future due to AI. Maybe the movie "Terminator" would be accurate!
But for now, we're safe. The AI is smart enough to work for us but too "stupid" to take us over. But hey! Maybe your device will transform into a nuclear bomb!