Once upon a time, there lived an annoying orange. He liked playing kazoos and had many friends. But one day, the most dangerous villain came. KNIFE WAS BACK! The kitchen was in serious trouble. Not even coconuts could defeat THE KNIFE. Annoying Orange was their only hope. All the foods stayed behind Annoying Orange for safety. THE KNIFE told orange to say his last words, and guess what AO (Annoying Orange) said? HE SAID NOTHING. He just charged something, and 10 seconds later, lead his greatest attack, THE FART ATTACK. He lead such a smelly fart that it acted like a radioactive one! And thankfully none of it went behind him too because everyone was there. Anyway, THE KNIFE couldn't handle the smell that he barfed for so long, and THE KNIFE died out of boredom. (by being bored)
the stupidest end in the entire galaxy.