The world is collapsing by now. COME ON, coronavirus, deforestation, pollution, the black death is still here, etc. Honestly, it's all our fault for the collapse of the world. Because if we had taken more care of it then we would have never need to wear masks. See, if it's all our fault, THEN HOW CAN WE BLAME EARTH ITSELF FOR IT? It's like breaking a window and blaming the house owner for it. Yeah, it doesn't make sense, AND IT'S BAD. Because the house owner has to pay for a new window, just like we have to give our lives for the virus. You created a monster humanity. We're lucky vegetarians are still out there. So we cannot harm the Earth more than this. See, cutting trees, polluting, hitting the earth, came to a cost. Now look, we used to make the world suffer, now you're the one suffering NOW. So try to keep the earth safe and if you pollute just anything, It... will... come... to... a... C O N S E Q U E N C E.
#earth #peacrful4ever