Online classes are a safer way to teach children... right? Well, kind of. There are many differences between physical classes and online classes. They have advantages and disadvantages too. Online classes, well, it's hard to give up a test or an exam to these students. It's very easy to cheat. They can get help from Google, Parents, Look at their copy, and much more. While cheating in a physical class is a giant risk for the biscit. And online classes kind of increase the electricity bills a lot ya`know? Come on, for the Computer, the lights, Using light other times, etc. Physical classes decrease the electricity bills unless you have a social media addicted person in your family member. So I think physical classes are better. I know there is an entire outbreak but the only way I'm gonna be happy is if you try to destroy the virus. I'm trying my best to fight it too by spreading awareness, and please destroy the virus because I miss breathing.