1. YOU ALL KNOW A SEA CAN'T SINK A SHIP RIGHT. Well yes, a sea won't sink a ship unless the water goes in the ship. In the same way, you can't let negativity get inside you unless you allow it. And YOU have that power. Don't waste your power to that.
2. You cannot give up yet. Giving up will lower the chance of being successful. Yes I know that's very horrible.
3. You should never make fun of someone or laugh at them. They might laugh at you back. REMBER, Karma is watching you right through your window.
4. You should be the one controlling gadgets, not the gadgets controlling you.
5. Be happy with what you have or no matter how much you get you will never be happy. You know, numbers are infinite and you cannot waste your freaking life for happiness. Numbers are infinite, and if you keep on searching for happiness the goose hunt will also be infinite.
6. It isn't on the outside that matters, it's on the inside.