great grandpa's name is Taranah Attreya. He was 91 years when he died. But I
was around the time when he was, too. So I got to stay in his life for 3 years.
He used to cough quite often and he loved roaming around the house. He used to
always carry a pot to store his cough. He looked younger than he was.
While he was (at that time) 89 years old he looked like he was 70. He also
wears a Dhaka topi at the time. He used to talk about the history of the
village and talked about what it was like back then. He talked about the
currency, how terrible cameras were, how he spent days in his childhood, etc.
He does exercise and prefers a balanced diet. He had well manners and
discipline. So I hope him to have a very good time in heaven.