The three wishes.


Creative Writing Of Kid

So let's say that you find a random lamp that says "DO NOT RUB... OR ELSE." But because you are naughty, you rub it. 

After you rub it, a genie appears saying that he will grant 3 wishes. If he said that, what would you do?

Smort 1.0

If I were you then I would probably ask for infinite wishes 😎😎😎. And boom. I have infinite wishes. Awesome.

Smort 2.0.

But what if you were not smart enough to say that which is very unlikely but let's just say. And if I  had a little bit of a smartness left then I would ask for everything possible. All powers, all positive things, all negative things, just ask for every bad and good thing. Now everything is happening.


Ok, now for the real part. If I had 3 wishes and I wasn't smart enough to do all of that then, first of all, I would destroy all borders so that you can travel anywhere without a passport and the whole world is one single country. So no money wasted on protecting your country as there is only one, even then with no borders. And also, the currency will probably be the same anywhere you go, with no difference between money. Because 1 dollar is 100 rupees, but with no borders and only one large country, the currency is the same everywhere and anywhere. And now have fun with one single huge country :).

Powers for everybody!

For my second wish, I would give everybody including me every power. Including INVINCIBILITY! So now no need for food, no need for water, no need for anything, and there will be no such thing as outliving someone as everyone cannot die, can teleport, multitask, have strength, and like it is cool. And now your family can watch the earth die after billions of years, and later maybe prove the multiverse theory? Nobody knows. 

Mister Time Traveler

And for the last wish, I would wish for myself to have to ability to control time. So that I can pause time, go to a store, eat every candy in there, go back in time where time is still frozen, and the candy will still be there was still candy before I paused at ate it, and go back to my house, unpause time, and boom. I got free candy like a genius. And also because I can go back in time to look at my ancestors and see what they would do. And I would also probably go forward in time in the year 3021 and look at the technology. At that time Elon Musk will already have put chips to every human being. And even invisibility cloaks will be extremely outdated at that time.

So this is what I would do if I had three wishes, but I would definitely ask for unlimited wishes soo... I guess I would have infinite power if I had three wishes.


  1. Impressive! How holistic and inclusive approach you have!
