World war II is the worst war in history, and let's see the history of what caused this.
Losing wars
After WWII, Germany had lost the war, the economy ground-drilled, and they had to pay a large fine for the other countries. Which means Germany had many problems.
And in WWI, Hitler was a soldier and he wanted to fix the mess. And the people of Germany liked him and his ideas. And he also made a new politician group. Also known as National Socialist German Worker's Party.
Popular Hitler.
And now Hitler was very popular. And one day, Hitler was made chancellor. And things were happening in Japan too. Japan has occupied western China but however, other powerful countries had already arrived and Japan was not powerful enough to defeat them so they just retreated.
Japan destroys stuff
But Japan didn't like this so they went to war with Russia and actually won the war! And also, Germany, Italy, and Japan were friends and all wanted to take over the allies. Which is a big part of WWII.
Hey, remember that Germany had to pay a huge fine, well, NOT ANYMORE. Hitler did absolutely nothing to the fines and Germany got stronger over time. And Hitler now wanted to take over the world. And he started off by trying to fill Europe with Germany. And Germany also had taken over Austria like it was a piece of cake.
Why did they make spelling Czechoslovakia so hard?
And now Hitler was heading to Czechoslovakia. And the allies would let him do that but if he promised to not take over the rest of Czechoslovakia. And the allies liked it! Hitler lied. He has now taken over the rest of Czechoslovakia.
Italy vs weak country
And Italy wanted to take over a weak and underdeveloped nation. And there was one country like that, Abyssinia. And Italy easily took it. And Italy also occupied Albania. Cool.
And Japan had also been making an invasion in China and did well. And Hitler also wanted to invade Poland as the Polish Corridor had been splitting the country into a weird border. And the allies were also worried about more war. And Hitler also made an alliance with Stalin to invade Poland and to split the land between the two.
Poland war
And Hitler started a war between Poland, and the allies declared war against Hitler. So now Hitler had a war on both sides. And Hitler and Stalin had taken over Poland. And the Phony war started which was just a small invasion France made to Germany and they just went back again.
No war
And France and England both did not want war so they just stayed defensive against Germany. And England wanted war between Norway as Sweden was exporting resources from Norway and asked them to stop but they didn't. And the Soviet Union had also invaded Finland. And also, England had put mines in the water to stop the export of iron to Germany.
Destroying armies
And Hitler noticed this and went to Norway and launched an invasion in Norway. And Hiler won and the allies retreated. And now Hitler wanted an invasion. And Hitler wanted to do it through Belgium but Belgium refused so Hitler launched an invasion. But however, the french and left the Ardennes so Hitler went across it and circled the allies which later destroyed the french army but the British escaped.
And now France was in Hitler's control. He had taken over France, and now for Russia. And Hitler thought that the British would surrender but they didn't. So Hitler was going to force them to. Because now that the British were going to have to fight on their own now, Italy had also declared war on the British, along with Germany.
And Hitler was making a plan for the invasion of Great Britain. And Hitler sent many bombers to great Britain and it did a lot of damage. And Hitler did a massive bombing in London where people had to stay in bunkers to stay safe. And Great Britain also managed to destroy the planes which would drop bombs so Hitler's plan failed. So let's see what thing he will do in part 2.