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There were many horrible people in history who did horrible things, and these are the worst people in my opinion!
Austrian guy with a funny square mustache
Austrian guy with a funny mustache, also commonly known as "Adolf Hitler", did many horrible things. He created the holocaust, where many Jewish people were gassed to death. And he kind of burned Albert Einstein's books. He also survived 6 assassination attempts!
Guy with a not so funny mustache
Guy with a not-so-funny mustache, also known as Joseph Stalin, was not a good dude in Russia. He was the ruler of Russia after Lenin, he also transformed an agricultural-based Russia into an industrial-based Russia. He tried to make stuff communist. He also needed some stuff, probably for the military, so he set camps for people to work in. But if you refused, you die. And even if you did agree, the condition is horrible.
Mao Zedong
Mao Zedong was one of the presidents (or something like that) of China. He had killed 8x more than Adolf Hitler! That is literally more than Hitler and Stalin COMBINED! He also created the biggest famine in history and killed a lot of innocent people. But for some reason, Chinese people still respect him.
Roberto Nevilis
He is undeniably the worst person in my opinion. He has done something so horrible. He has not done anything to people physically, but emotionally and mentally, holy darn. He has done something so horrible I won't write it here, AS IT IS SO HORRIBLE! So go search for what he has done.